Can I get a refund if I can't take my trip?

About Adventure

Usually, published fare tickets are non-refundable. In the event you must cancel your trip, most airlines will allow you to apply the value for travel within one year, and penalties apply. Most special airfares allow refunds, with a penalty ranging from $300 up to the full amount of the ticket. Restrictions on changes and cancellations vary.

Once payment has been submitted, changes to your booking are subject to a $300 fee plus the difference in the fare at the time the change is made. Any changes are also subject to availability at that time. Until you contact us and we determine the specific rules of the ticket you purchased and the changes you want to make, we’re only able to provide you with the general policies outlined above. Our customer service representatives will calculate additional charges on the day you contact us.

Please note: All paper tickets must be sent to our main office for refunds or exchanges. Some airfares may not permit changes once the tickets have been issued.